Fake It ‘Til You Make It, When in Doubt…

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Fake It 'Til You Make ItMirror, Mirror, on the Wall, What MUST I do to get the Ball? So, you want to run with the big boys, even though you are not quite ready yet. What do you do? Well, it is not always about working harder. It is more so about having your mind right. You have to convince yourself that you belong there.Therefore, FAKE IT TIL YOU MAKE IT!!! 

Now I know that this approach will have mixed reactions. Although, we are all aware, that when you act like you belong, people will open the door for you. Once you get in, you can learn from those who are where you want to be! Draw on their talents and expertise without being intimidated.

Keep in mind, that you have to allow yourself to be a work in progress.You will fail. You will struggle. It will be painful at times. This goes along the lines of random training. It will be ugly. However, you will grow faster. This will help you realize quicker, where adjustments have to be made. Being around higher ups, will give you a more advanced support system.


Fake it ‘Til You Make It
Don’t Waste Your Opportunity

Fake It 'Til You Make It

Don’t be arrogant or ignorant. When you act like you belong, yet refuse to grow, you will be shown the door. During the process, be coachable. You did what you had to do to level up. Naturally, the instruction will be better. Therefore, don’t waste the opportunity. With good fortune, this is also time to display to your peers and the higher ups, what your character brings to the table. Because, I know you are in it for more than just opening baseball doors, right?

When you know that you may not belong, yet you are telling yourself that you still can, you won’t be getting in your own way. Because what do you gave to lose from your expectations? You can’t fall short of something which you don’t know exists…

Fake it ‘Til You Make It
Grow Your 

Fake It 'Til You Make It

If you get into a situation where you are facing hitters way out of your league, sure, you may get your teeth kicked in. Simultaneously, you will gather some extremely valuable experience. Even the most minute success you had, build off of it. Say you faced a highly advanced hitter. Maybe he was late on your fastball a time to two. Or you found a weakness in his swing. That is something to take with you. Because the next time you are on the mound, you can stand more confidently, and internally believe it!


When you have to FAKE IT TIL YOU MAKE IT,

Consider this:

  • Our Bodies Change Our Minds
  • Our Minds Change Our Behavior 
  • Our Behavior Changes Our Outcomes

Apply it and BECOME IT!!!

Watch Amy Cuddy’s Ted Talk:
Fake It ‘Til You Make It 

Keep Dominating!!!





About the Author

Brad Kirsch Slider DominationBrad Kirsch is the Owner/Creator of Slider Domination. He is a former professional pitcher who blogs about all things Pitching. Brad has also authored the AudioBook, 7 Reasons Why YOU Should Throw a Slider. If you haven’t done so already, you can Download the AudioBook Here

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